Don't want to spend my entire life exchanging barbs. If you
can't agree to disagree- that's O-kay. My ears can hear a
difference between a 24/96 High Res. Optical Disk, and a
24/96 Downloaded Music File (Same Release). Different
Releases, different Sound Quality. Sometimes the Disk
Sounds better, sometimes the Download. How is this possible if both are made from same Music File? I want
whatever version sounds the best for all releases. Blue-Ray
Audio Version, SACD Version, High Res. Multi-Channel MLP
Version, High Res. Download Version. You say they all sound
the same comming from same Music File. I hear a difference.
I believe that they are Remastered differently, and that is
why I can hear a difference. I will keep on appreciating
that difference untill all of the Optical Disks run out. I
will keep on using Downloading as well. I don't hear one
sounding consistently better than the other over many Releases. I get a mixed bag of results. I will pursue whichever Release sounds the best in its respected Format.
I will pursue this so long as limited Optical Disks will allow. I can burn disks; but, I don't believe that I can
Remaster, and produce Optical Disks as well as Professional
Recording Studio's. Concidering that they have the Master
Analog Tape to work with. I have only the Music File.
Inevitable that Downloading will eventually take over.
Will eventually just have to deal with it. Sorry for the
insults. Passions over Music can carry one away. I think
that everyone will survive, including me. No one has lost
any skin here, no one is entitled to any in retribution.
No first blood has ever been drawn. I'm out of your hair
permanently. Computer Audio will be the only thing left in
dealing with Sound Quality. Hope that it is dealt with well. LAST RESPONSE, LAST THREAD (This time I hope that I
mean it!).
can't agree to disagree- that's O-kay. My ears can hear a
difference between a 24/96 High Res. Optical Disk, and a
24/96 Downloaded Music File (Same Release). Different
Releases, different Sound Quality. Sometimes the Disk
Sounds better, sometimes the Download. How is this possible if both are made from same Music File? I want
whatever version sounds the best for all releases. Blue-Ray
Audio Version, SACD Version, High Res. Multi-Channel MLP
Version, High Res. Download Version. You say they all sound
the same comming from same Music File. I hear a difference.
I believe that they are Remastered differently, and that is
why I can hear a difference. I will keep on appreciating
that difference untill all of the Optical Disks run out. I
will keep on using Downloading as well. I don't hear one
sounding consistently better than the other over many Releases. I get a mixed bag of results. I will pursue whichever Release sounds the best in its respected Format.
I will pursue this so long as limited Optical Disks will allow. I can burn disks; but, I don't believe that I can
Remaster, and produce Optical Disks as well as Professional
Recording Studio's. Concidering that they have the Master
Analog Tape to work with. I have only the Music File.
Inevitable that Downloading will eventually take over.
Will eventually just have to deal with it. Sorry for the
insults. Passions over Music can carry one away. I think
that everyone will survive, including me. No one has lost
any skin here, no one is entitled to any in retribution.
No first blood has ever been drawn. I'm out of your hair
permanently. Computer Audio will be the only thing left in
dealing with Sound Quality. Hope that it is dealt with well. LAST RESPONSE, LAST THREAD (This time I hope that I
mean it!).