Don't meam to be rude, Sunandmusic. This Thread was ended way back in August 2012. No one is paying attention, or responding since then. I wanted the "LUXURY" of playing Optical Disks as well as Downloads. I lost that arguement in a really big way. This Thread is R.I.P.- so are the Optical Disks. "Abandon All Hope All Ye Who Enter Here"!
S-O-O-O...S-A-D !!! No turning back now, we have burned that Bridge. I don't even know where to get ANY Music from anymore. Most of it is just hopelessly splintered across many sources across the Internet. You have to really pull teeth to dig out your desired selection from many sources. Then there is always "I-Tunes". Sounds like "Looney Toones"."Budda-Budda-Budda....That's All Folks"! I can just picture Porky Pig welcoming Lost Souls across the Gates of Hell...."That's All Folks"!
S-O-O-O...S-A-D !!! No turning back now, we have burned that Bridge. I don't even know where to get ANY Music from anymore. Most of it is just hopelessly splintered across many sources across the Internet. You have to really pull teeth to dig out your desired selection from many sources. Then there is always "I-Tunes". Sounds like "Looney Toones"."Budda-Budda-Budda....That's All Folks"! I can just picture Porky Pig welcoming Lost Souls across the Gates of Hell...."That's All Folks"!