How Things Change

When I look back at some of the posts that I made in years gone by I often feel like I am reading the opinions of a misguided friend. I am being kind to myself here. So many things have changed. How do you feel about what you wrote about various audio subjects in the past?
My biggest change in recent years here is also probably the diversity of music I listen to and in my music library. I also manage to carve out at least a few hours a week to listen no matter what.

My music preferences have also broadened significantly in recent years. Many more jazz and classical recordings have found their way into the collection -- as well as a serious amount of blues.
I find nowadays, with everything pretty much clicking with my setup, I get enjoyment listening to almost anything. Everything has something unique to offer sonically.

Now I wonder mainly... how long can this last? Nothing ever stays the same indefinitely.
I do wince whenever I come across some of my old -- and dead wrong -- statements of fact and/or opinion. Keeps one humble :-)

I have had the experience more than once of reading through old threads and thinking, "What an odd thing to say." When I checked the member's ID I found my own name appended to the post.

I have even gone back and forth in a seemingly confused manner with some of the things I have done over the years. A recent example is my use of cables in series that I started experimenting with a few years ago. When I had my Joseph Audio Pulsars some cables in series improved the SQ. But when I got my Raidho C1.1 monitors and introduced David Elrod cables into the system those cables in series sounded absolutely awful. They came out fast. But when I started introducing Shunyata cables into the system I was hearing a leanness in the tonality. So, I took some Furutech DIY cables that I had made up and, once again, started experimenting with series cabling. I had not used these particular cables in series before.

By golly, I was bowled over by the great synergy. Leanness gone -- glorious sound with no anomalies. Both cables feature OCC cryo-ed copper so maybe that's why. At any rate, my Furutech DIY cables are all back in the system now with SQ far superior to using the Shunyata cables on their own. By the way, the synergy created with my Furutech DIY cables and David Elrod cables is awful. Go figure.

I posted to another forum about how I was using these Furutech DIY cables in series with Shunyata cables. The silent response was deafening. I guess this was their polite way of saying I must be out of my mind. Well, so be it. But my ears are still intact -- tested recently and capable of hearing 16,000 Hz. So, I trust my ears and let others think what they will.