Anyone going to RMAF this year?

Any particular rooms/products look interesting? I'll be there all day on Sunday (I live in Denver, so it's a no brainer). The lineup looks good as always, although I was sad to see no Merlin room this year, and some other notables for me are Totem and Thiel, which I typically check out.

Still lots of good stuff and I'm looking forward to it. I'm planning to check out some things I've never heard before (Atma-Sphere, Ayre, Nola, Triangle Art, Zesto and Zu for example), along with some of the old stand by products that I love, but am curious if others are going and have particular things that seem worth checking out.
I scheduled this weekend with the boss months ago. I'll be there Fri-Sun. Planning to check out all the tube integrates and high efficiency speakers I can find. Currently running solid state gear, but fascinated with tubes. My checking account however, is NOT fascinated with tubes.
Making a pilgrimage from South Carolina. My first show of this sort. Completely stoked!
Glad to hear of all the interest! And Cymbop, coming from South Carolina is impressive. I think you'll have fun, though. This will be my third year and I'm still amazed by how much incredible gear is set up in so many rooms. It's almost impossible to see it all, unless you truly devoted a full 3 days to it, which I personally cannot.

Remo, I went from solid state to tubes a couple of years ago when I switched to Merlin speakers, which really like tubes. My wallet (and wife) were not particularly appreciative, but I've never looked back and my system is sounding better than ever.
RMAF is just a great time and well worth the effort to attend. If driving in remember parking is not free- do not let that upset you. The big parking lot across the street is independent of the convention and so the will make you pay.

For the ultimate in headphone listening please stop in at Room 8000 in the tower. Here JPS Lab will have four listening stations featuring the Abyss magnaplanner headphones. They will be powered by an array of outstanding headphone amps such as Wo Audio WA-5, the new Wells headphone amp, the Cavalli Liquid Gold amp and MacIntosh's new headphone amp. Interconnects and power cables will be JPS.

Last year this was an outstanding room. Comfortable, relaxed, and quiet. With headphones there are no excuses about hotel room accoustics.

This is a unique opportunity to hear some of the best sounds the headphone manufactures can create.
Anyone know if Obravo audio is attending the show? I would like to try/or know impressions about the HAMT-1