Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
"All metals are different. They react differently though some may appear or are assumed to react in a similar manner, otherwise, why are they separated on the periodic table? Standards derived from one type of metal don't translate to every other metal out there."

Sophism Indeed!!!
****The ones who get it right, IMO, are those who buy what they can actually hear and don't buy what they can't. ****

Yes, which is implicit in what I said. How can one determine value if one can't hear a difference?

Rok2id wrote:
02-17-13: Rok2id
I think you have me confused with someone else as pertains to wire. On this thread, I am just a messenger. All I posted, about cable, was from people a lot more knowledgeable than me. I just delivered the message. I didn't drink the Wire kool-aid, so I am not involved. Just trying to be helpful. HOWEVER, when some one says a cable is 'danceable', I have to speak. After all I am only human. There is only so much a human can take.
I am not a player is the wire debate. Blue Jeans is all need.
Rok2id later wrote:
And btw, if you spent $70,000(US) on mostly cables, you are a very respectful idiot!

It seems you have changed your position during the course of this thread to one of someone who was not involved to one of disrespect and name calling.

If you are happy with your dorm-room hifi, fine. I cannot imagine why one who claims to totally eschew the "hype" of high-end products, spends so much time talking about it. Everyone is entitled to their views and I think that uncivilized behavior should be avoided. Not censored, just avoided.