Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
this issue will never be resolved

That's the business model of the cable companies in a nutshell.
The thing I love about this forum,It is alive and well!I do like talking to all of you!no matter the differences,It is just a hobby!,We can all agree on the fact we love music!,or we would not be here talking to each other,to me ,thats cool!
@ Rok2id,thankyou,for the excuse me of your out burst toward me,no harm or anamosity against you,you are passoniate at what you believe,now to everyone,I know cables are system dependent!,at the cost of cables that I bought into,I do not change cables for componets!,I change componets to match the synergy of the cables!,LOL!,the cables are to exspensive to do other wise,I love the sound of taralabs cables!,I have been buying them for 25 years!,if a componet does not sound good with such an esoteric wire such as the taralabs zero gold that I do have,that componet no longer is in my system,or say,the nordost odin,again,that componet is history!,Its the same as buying cables to match a componet,I just do it differently,The zero and odin are very nuetral and ruthlessly revealing!,if there is something wrong with the sound,it most likely is not the cables!,these types of cables will reveal the weakest part of a system!,or expose poor recordings!,I do not waste money on taking a gamble on a componet that may or may not sound good on the cables I am useing,Its a very thought out process,I make sure the componet works with the cables before I buy the componet!,with this caliber of cables,my statement,I will not have to change cables ever!,Its the end game for me with cables,They cost to much!,and I do not agree that fricken cables should cost this much!,but to better my sound to what I am looking for,I had to pay the cost!,I have no regrets! the sound is very real sounding to anyone who has ever listened to my system!,A toast to all!,cheers!
@Audiolabyrinth, that is an interesting concept, I don't think I've ever heard of someone that tunes their system around their cables. I'm not saying it is wrong, only different. There are many different paths to arrive at the same location.
Many times folks are accused of using cables as 'tuning devices' or 'band-aids'. In this case you are using the gear as a 'tuning device' or 'band-aid'. Since we all tune a system to suit our individual tastes. I find that many folks who swear by 'transparent' cables, use 'warm' components. While those that use 'warm' cables are using 'transparent' components. Like I said, their are many paths to get where you want to go. Enjoy.