Hi everyone,I like some of what is being said here,you know the misleading and all the crap specifications that don't matter!,I do not have experience with analysis plus cables,however,I have seen a couple of members of the gon reccently not care alot about there foward sound they described that happened in their systems,ok,you know what?,automobile companys do the same, misleading the public!the fricken goverment is notorios for the same thing,you will have more misrepresentation with almost everything,a pair of pliers are pliers,opps,these are made in china!,guess what?,they wont be pliers very long,LOL!,you really can not base the cable industry as a whole on the findings of a particular cable company like analysis plus!,tell you what!read the papers on taralabs zero gold i/c,taralabs onyx i/c,taralabs omega gold speaker cables,and why you are doing that call all the reviewers liars when you see hundreds of positive reviews and awards thats been reposted on the Taralabs site!,like,the zero gold i/c componet of the year 2012,by the absolute sound! magazine!,their white papers make since on top of that!yes you will be stunned!,thanyou gentlemen for your time.