Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
fellas,to me this is funny,where is tobb,the guy that started this thread?got the xxxx out of dodge I suppose?LOL!cheers!
Hi everyone,I like some of what is being said here,you know the misleading and all the crap specifications that don't matter!,I do not have experience with analysis plus cables,however,I have seen a couple of members of the gon reccently not care alot about there foward sound they described that happened in their systems,ok,you know what?,automobile companys do the same, misleading the public!the fricken goverment is notorios for the same thing,you will have more misrepresentation with almost everything,a pair of pliers are pliers,opps,these are made in china!,guess what?,they wont be pliers very long,LOL!,you really can not base the cable industry as a whole on the findings of a particular cable company like analysis plus!,tell you what!read the papers on taralabs zero gold i/c,taralabs onyx i/c,taralabs omega gold speaker cables,and why you are doing that call all the reviewers liars when you see hundreds of positive reviews and awards thats been reposted on the Taralabs site!,like,the zero gold i/c componet of the year 2012,by the absolute sound! magazine!,their white papers make since on top of that!yes you will be stunned!,thanyou gentlemen for your time.
forward sound is 2 dimensional sound. There are cables of can mess up a wide and deep stage. The same about amps. sources and speakers. That is why I learn my clients the difference between 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional sound. I never had a client who preferd 2 dimensional sound over 3 dimensional sound. this was after my explanation between the difference and the demo with music. Many clients who bought 2 dimensional products for a lot of money did not know this was possible. Or even did not know what it is. They all said; next time I will go for 3 dimensional stuff. Because you would be a fool to choose for 2 dimensional audio ( Standard Audio) Because the emotion and involvement in music is that much better. What I did in the past was letting people know what the competitors were. I said you have to listen to that and that. I send them to other shops. All these products were 2 dimensional brands. They came back and said: that is not of the same level. It was that easy to persuade. I had a lot of fun with this. I love it wenn other people in this business have not a lot of knowledge.
Of course cables make a DIFFERENCE. But here's the rub. Look at this from this perspective: A recording engineer in one of the top studios in the country prepares to record a vocalist. Consider the signal path: microphone ---> cable ---> pre-amp ---> cable ---> EQ component ---> cable ---> compressor ---> cable ---> A/D converter ---> cable ---> into computer program (Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase, etc) for more sonic manipulation) ---> cable ---> D/A converter ---> cable --->speaker. I count about 7 different runs of cable between 8 different components. These 15 steps of flow will theoretically affect the original vocal source. Top studios (especially those who know how to record REAL ACOUSTIC instruments from clasical, jazz, folk, country, etc) either preserve the original source or manipulate the sound according to the performers expectations. Top studio's main goal is to never add color UNLESS it is desired, The very best studios in the world use Mogami cable...... a pair of interconnects can cost under $100. I've been in the top studios in LA, NY, Nashville and virtually NONE use the fancy cables that are topic to these discussions. The goal is for the engineer to sculpt the final audio outcome of what the performer desires. IF YOUR HOME SYSTEM IS FLAT, NEUTRAL, UNCOLORED, virtually ANY neutral cable is all that is necessary. IF YOU'RE TRYING TO CHANGE (MAKE DIFFERENT) THE SOUND THAT WAS CAPTURED IN THE ORIGINAL RECORDING, then spend $10,000 on some cables made of gold and platinum that were soaked in tomato juice. And you've also got bragging rights as the rich guy on these forums.
Nonsense; with all due respect. It's frustrating how the obvious is always overlooked by the naysayers. It's not that recording engineers don't use better cables; actually, some do, and have expressed the benefits. It is that at the stage of the inevitable deterioration/ distortion of the music signal that recording engineers are working with, at the record/mix or mastering level, there is much more of the music still left intact. As a result, there is less PERCEIVED need to preserve that bit of fidelity that cabling inevitably mucks up. By the time we, as music consumers, listen to the product, which by then has seen all sorts of additional processing due to mastering, stamping, etc, if we lose another 3% (I hate attaching a % to these things; but, alas) it becomes unbearable..

I like food analogies: imagine you order a steak at a restaurant and it arrives pre-salted. You may or may not like salt on your meat, but a little bit is OK. Now, add a tiny pinch more salt, and you just can't eat it.

I, likewise, have been to many top studios and heard playback over crappy little Yamaha monitors, and the immediacy and impact of the master tape can be stunning. Same recording over my expensive speakers sounds, well...., recorded.