Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved

Unable to respond to, "Mach2Music and Amarra: Huge Disappointment"- Thread. Other Members take free pop-shots!
Apparently some have more Freedom Of Speech than others! I
don't know how many times I have said it, I want Computer
Audio to succeed! It will only succeed if Computers are designed from the ground up to reproduce Music (Same minimum standard applied for Equipment of ALL Audio Formats)! This is common sense Audio Engineering Design. Bandaid Modifications cannot be substituted for absence in design to produce Music! Design it right to EARN the right to become a New Audio Format- same as all other Audio Formats! No Freebee's, No Cutting Corners! Lack of design is what's causing such varied results in S.Q. between
listeners of Computer Audio. I see about 50% negative
responses here on these Threads. It will continue to happen unless you fix it! Blaming me won't help! I am an
Engineer, and I can read results! 50/50 success/ failure
rate- you have an inherit Engineering Design Flaw for the
reproduction of Music via Computers! Shock! Suprise- since
they were never designed for Music! So when is someone finally going to properly design the Equipment/Computer
(From the ground up) for Computer Audio? Do we continue
to treat any real criticism as "HERESY" in the lack of
design in Computer Audio for Music? You tell me what I am
allowed to talk about, and we will both know!
Nice try guys!
Chadeffect: Am I going to have to argue the old which came first the chicken (CD) , or the Egg (Music File)? I will say it one more time: 10,000 CD Releases are currently OUT OF PRINT! Not available for CD purchase! Not available to be copied onto your Computer! Not even available as Download! This is a Music Archive that will BE GONE, and not available for storage on the hard drive of your computer. Do I just type "OUT OF PRINT AND NOT AVAILABLE AS DOWNLOAD" on every empty Music File where these 10,000 would normally be stored on my Computer? I am sure that these 10,000 music files will have excellent convenience, and High Fidelity to boot! WHO-ARE-YOU-KIDDING???
Hfisher3380: You are Correct! It does take someone OLDER than 5 years old to understand the full consequences of what I just stated above. You are taking away (ELIMINATING) Music Archive (10,000 CDs) and "NOT REPLACING IT" (Downloads). Can't store, copy onto Computer something (10,000) that no longer exists. You want us to dig thru garbage cans scrounging for ANY ONE of these long gone 10,000 so we can copy onto our Computers??? If we can't do so ( because they are both "Out Of Print", and "Not Available As Download" X 10,000 ) ask a 5 year old to fill the Music Archive Vacuum with what- harsh language ( No Offense to Rap)!
Nawwwww, I think you guys owe this 5 year old his Music Archive back! He used to have it, then you guys came along with your convenience, now he no longer has it! GIVE US OUR MUSIC BACK! Stop holding our Music Archive hostage to "Soon all New Music will only be available as Music Downloads"; because, most Music will NOT be left available on ANYTHING permanently if left up to you. Your Music Archive Kung-Fu NO GOOD! We have less Music to listen to today, we will have less to listen to tomorrow ( -CD, Soon all New Music...etc. ) which means we will even have less the day after tomorrow. PUT THE MUSIC DOWNLOAD ARCHIVE ON THE TABLE TO SELL, or just get your lazy Music Format the hell out of the way. It is just slowing everyone down! If it can't provide, then it can only drag us down with it. Why doesn't anyone understand that? I bet even a 5 year old could! Try Rollerskating with a 100 pound dead weight tied around your neck. Does Computer Audio become that 100 pound dead weight- your decision! If you decide it is acceptable- I find that condition unacceptable! You are responsible, you change it. If you don't then Computer Audio will have a real short life span. Folks, this is NOT what I want. I want multiple options in having access to Music Archives. You want to be in the business of severely limiting my access with only one Format. You shoot across my bow, I am going to respond in kind. You are taking something away from me that "YOU THINK" you have the right to take. Regardless if it comes to pass ,or not! The Threat of doing so is enough, and I have had enough of it! I do take your threats seriously ( 10,000 times over ). I wouldn't call "THAT" a joke! I call it a hell of a lot of permanently missing music. You guys don't really intend on replacing all of it with downloads- do you? I didn't think so! Nice to know that you are looking out for my Musical Interests- REALLY??? Am I supposed to enjoy the convenience of silence from missing Music? About as much as you would enjoy the silence from lack of hearing. You would fight for it all right if you got the chance. Me, I have an appointment with a five year old- apparently. Hope he can play guitar, or some musical instrument. Can't rely on anything else!
I did some calculations and estimate it would take me 5-7 years or more just to listen to every recording I already own once. Then on top of that there are hundreds of digital music sources externally like internet radio stations and music services that I can go to as well if I get bored. And it all sounds pretty darn good!

So at least when the music available dries up I should still be set for life with stuff to listen to. It's my proverbial "bomb shelter" as it were.

Petty, if you have not already, better get busy and build up your stash too before the well runs dry! :^)
Mapman: Finally, after 8 pages of diatribe, someone acknowledges our Music Archive IS drying up/ being purposely eliminated- Thank-you!!! You have done your calculations well. Now you just need to expand your estimation to include the other 600 million of us who probably listen to Music Archive that is different from your selection. Let's say you discover a Music Artist that you weren't aware of ( say the 80's or 90's ), and you don't have any of his releases. Let's say he is one of those 10,000 "No Longer In Print"/ "Not Available As Download"- and you really like his Music. Maybe you heard one of his selections on the Radio. His MUSIC IS GONE! It got swept away with "Soon all New Music will only be available as Music Downloads". "All New Music..." does NOT
mean "All Music" period. Now what if there are a handful of Artists ( Same thing ), or a couple dozen?
As far as building up a stash before the well runs dry. I did not have to do this switching from LP to CD, nor on any other Audio Format switch-over. There is something seriously wrong here having to do this with this particular
switch-over to Computer Audio. I am not the one at fault! It is how this switch-over is being handled- with complete disregard for preserving Musical Archive. Nothing that I, or anyone else can do about the already 10,000 missing. Pretty much the same for the next 10,000, or the next 10,000 after that! Why are we being forced to build "Bomb Shelters" to try and save our Musical Archive??? Who is bombing our Musical Archive, for what profit, and why?
"Eyes Wide Open", or is this "Eyes Wide Shut"? You decide-
and give me a clue as to direction if you please ( LP or Computer Audio )? Hurry before the first bombs start to drop, if you wouldn't mind. Call me crazy, but missing Music IS A PROBLEM!!! Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean that they are not out to get you. Hit me with your best shot, and fire away. Ask anyone, I am just a nut high on drugs (Rhetorical )!
Petty - such is life and it has nothing to do with anyone in this chat group.

Whom do you blame for the thousands of analogue recordings that never made it onto CD? For the 78rpm records that never survived to see the light of day as LPs? This is just the natural order of things. If there is demand then there is money to be made. If there is money to be made then the product will be manufactured and sold.

Simple. Any 5-year old could understand it. That's the world we live in. You just can't handle the truth...
In practice, I think it is easier to find out of print material these days than ever. And for reasonable cost. You just gotta go used in many cases via ebay or similar.

Out of print is out of print. A lot of old stuff with any current market value does get re-released, in some cases as original package (often extended in some way) or in some totally new package, like "the essential so and so...", etc. Its really not a problem in practice I find so I will not loose any sleep. Most of the old out of print stuff that I must have I already do. In cases otherwise, I have not had problems finding it. Yawn....