Classical music-Calypso or FS Presence ?

Any opinions on the best line preamp for classical music, particularly considering the Aesthetix Calypso Saturn and the First Sound Presence Deluxe Mk.II ? Also, best recommendations for phono stage preamp and classical lps.
Thanks very much to both of you fellows. Your comments are encouraging. I am considering the Calypso and Rhea together in the Janus package. Are either of you aware of any notable losses in sound quality in comparing the two components separately vs. their being combined in the single Janis package ? Thanks for any additional information. I welcome comments from others also.
Opus88, I am not aware of anything notable. I could only construe that as you reduce chassis and physical space between source components and power supplies there is a price to pay. Yet again I have not heard the Janus side by side in comparison with the Calypso/Rhea or Callisto/Io signatures. My recommendation to you would be to speak with Jim White owner/designer on this subject. He is a gentleman of Hifi gentlemen. Cheers!
Opus88, I agree with R_f_sayles about talking with Jim White. He will tell you very directly and openly what tradeoffs he hears in the Janus as compared with the Calypso/Rhea combination.