tube character with pre-amp

As a new and excited tube pre-amp owner I wonder if a few can give ideas of tubes that can one day be explored in my Sonic Frontiers, I know little to nothing of what tubes have what sonic character so I am asking for opinions, I will say I am sorry if this has been hashed out to death here. I may also want to add that I am using Innersound Eros Electrostat Hybrids and like the sound, at increased levels the highs can start to fatigue although I am not sure if this is blamed by my Rotel Pre, my room or both and then some.....thanks
A few words of advice:

If you are serious about tube gear and tube rolling, buy a calibrated tester. You will be surprised at the number of disparities in your results versus seller claims you'll find. Another occasional disappointment are shorted tubes you'll identify. Know what you're popping into your expensive gear.
thanks, just getting my feet wet, not sure when or if I will try new tubes, just wanted info for thought if I do