What's the best s.s. integrated for Khorns?

Hi: I am looking to start a new stereo rig,starting with new Klipschorns, so what do you recommend for a s.s.
integrated amp that would compliment these efficient(104db)
speakers? I like to listen at a loud level(85-90db),so maybe 100x2 minimum?. I was thinkin Sim Moon 1-7 integrated,
willing to go to 4k$ tops! No c.d. player as yet. What would you pick for an integrated? Thanks, Huck
revox s22 and s25.... int. / cd combo........the whole deal for both is around 2.5k......smooth flat response with horns, revox build quality. using with heresys and it equals my mac/gradient system.
Why would you need 150 watts, maybe you would use 10 or 20 of that. Try a Sugden SE or Masterclass int. 30 Watts pure class A. I think you will find the tonal balance perfect for the K horns
Jbello is right. 104db efficient horns do not need that much power. They will get loud enough for a half deaf metal head with 20 watts. Spend money for increased quality of watts not increased number of watts.

The new K-horns use plastic horns and different crossovers from the originals. If you can find the metal horn versions with the AA crossovers you will be a little more pleased with the sound.

I know a guy that uses an Audio Refinement Complete integrated on older K-horns and it is more than enough to bring the house down. The new Complete (Alpha)has pre-out to feed a subwoofer which you may find you want down the road. The only drawback to the AR Complete with the horns is that the volume pot has a steep slope that makes it real loud real fast. With the horns you may find this true of lots of set-ups.

Good luck!
Those Khorns love/crave/demand/tubes. In my upstairs system 1980 K's they excell with the 24watt Eastern Electric M520 integrated. They will go louder then what I care to listen at at half the wattage used.
I would strongly second Bignerd's suggestion to seek out older Vintage Khorns rather than the newer ones. They can be had MUCH cheaper, and sound better to my ears in the various systems I've heard each with. As far as SS, don't even go there!!! If you are investing in the Khorns, run them with tubes; you will be MUCH happier with the sound. I've always found the Klipsh horn speakers from the Heritage line to sound rather harsh under SS amplification. If you absolutely must have SS I'd consider something that does not exhibit classic SS traits, but rather strives for more tube-like performance stressing midrange. SS Amps may also be tricky matches with the Khorns. With 104db horn speakers I'd be very careful in my selection of amps, and definitely try to audition, or buy at a price you can easily resell for. SS amps that fall into the category of the type I mention above are mostly lower wattage. The Portal Panache integrated would be the exception at 100wpc, but it has a wonderful midrange and is not at all harsh. Pass Labs Aleph 3 or 30 would be another, but you'd need a pre. You might also check into the Sugden amps, the First Watt amp by Nelson Pass (check on this before buying as that is a very proprietary design and reputedly does not work well with all speakers). Again, I'd really be careful with SS as a mismatch can really ruin your day. On the other hand it would be hard to go wrong with a tube amp. I like the Quicksilver line and would say the Horn Mono's would be a nice candidate. My own personal preference would be in lower powered SET amps (which I use with my LaScalas), or a low-powered push-pull using a pair of direct-heated tubes like 2A3s or 300Bs.

Good luck!
