The most emotional amp out there?

OK gang, I need your votes for the amp you feel that brings the chills, the goosebumps, yes maybe even a teardrop or two when you sit down and listen to your particular music of choice. Although many responders will automatically think of tubes, I do not necessarily share that "prejudice". I'm trying to find that special amp to mate with my Virgo IIs that really takes me to the heart of the opposed to just performing the requisite audiophile tricks (e.g. imaging, soundstage depth, etc.). I'm tired of appreciating the specific virtues of a well known amplifier that I am auditioning but never really being transported to a place where I forget about the gear and simply am enthralled with the music.

Don't get me wrong - I enjoy the audiophile thing as much as the next person. But I am searching for the amplifier that will transcend the need to go through the checklist of listening attributes a reviewer does and instead will simply allow me to sit back and just be enveloped by the message that the particular recording artist I am listening to is trying to communicate.

I hope I'm being somewhat inteligible here and thanks for your suggestions.

My guess is you mean the most emotionally involving amp? Other components will of course contribute greatly but my vote would be for the McCormacks with revisions & the Deluxe models.
I completely agree with Mike. I would also add when some throw around the term emotional they are ingoring the vast range of emotion itself! They type of emotion associated with say acapella female singing would be quite different from head banging heavy metal!
Not entirely sure just how emotional an amp can be and still convey neutrality.... I will say, however, I got pretty dog gone emotional letting go of the money for my last amp. All sorts of emotions. Does that count?

I don't think an emotional anything is 'a', or 'the', key. I think perhaps the so often sought 'positive emotion', that may result, is from the mix of components and peripherals. It's tuff enough to mix neutral pieces together to obtain great results. Let alone introducing devices with colorful traits, or their own unique characteristics.

....don't think so? Put a great amp with a poor preamp, or source, or speakers, or have all great stuff and poor wires, or still worse lovely components, wires, etc. but with power that sucks to high heaven. No, for my money I'd as soon have the right mix and not a mixed up (emotional), amp.

Involving, emotional, enthralling, and just plain 'Wow!' seem, IMO, to come as a result of a combination of things, proper tweaks, and careful attention to both synergy & placement.

Along the way to the desired 'audio nirvana' I will assure you some sort of emotional encounters. . . and for your sake I hope they are all positive.

For myself, they usually follows the opening of a heavy wallet, and the closing of a now, empty one, or a poor choice of a device that works well with some things, but poorly with others... and the absolute worst emotions stem from finding it for hundreds less shortly after buying it and being unable to return it... Now I'd consider that an emotional amp. Wouldn't you?
I have dabbled with tube, mainly AR pre-amps (I have a TriVista big watts and a 300B 7W) but remain SS for the time being.
However, I still remember the day I walked into a Jadis demonstration and was completely blown away. It still haunts me today and I have never again had that same experience.
What a bunch of mostly useless replys to a heartfelt plea...I too own the Virgo II's. I was using a N.E.W. D.C powered amp that was glorious. The best of at least a dozen I tried over 5 years with the Virgos. Detailed, quick,sparkle, great bottom end, low noise floor, great imaging, all under 4K. I had to sell it when I moved recently from USA to Australia, as it's recharging cycle was totally dedicated to 110V and could not be changed. I bought and am now selling my Cary V12R, as it did nothing for the Virgos. I have tried single ended amps, but the Virgos are not that easy to drive. I am now looking, but auditions for hi end gear is not available in my area. I would like to hear from you what you have tried or recently bought to run your Virgos.