The most emotional amp out there?

OK gang, I need your votes for the amp you feel that brings the chills, the goosebumps, yes maybe even a teardrop or two when you sit down and listen to your particular music of choice. Although many responders will automatically think of tubes, I do not necessarily share that "prejudice". I'm trying to find that special amp to mate with my Virgo IIs that really takes me to the heart of the opposed to just performing the requisite audiophile tricks (e.g. imaging, soundstage depth, etc.). I'm tired of appreciating the specific virtues of a well known amplifier that I am auditioning but never really being transported to a place where I forget about the gear and simply am enthralled with the music.

Don't get me wrong - I enjoy the audiophile thing as much as the next person. But I am searching for the amplifier that will transcend the need to go through the checklist of listening attributes a reviewer does and instead will simply allow me to sit back and just be enveloped by the message that the particular recording artist I am listening to is trying to communicate.

I hope I'm being somewhat inteligible here and thanks for your suggestions.

check out 6 moons review
youll have to imagine the leap in sound quality the linear b
offers over the linear a
ive heard both and the bs really do blow the a away
you really owe it to yourself to hear these
good luck
The most emotional amp??? I cry every time I think about what I spent, does that count?
Nrchy hopefully you did not buy any Audio Research or Rogue, 2 of the least emotional amps I've heard.
Bartokfan it would suck to cry over an unemotional amp! I didn't buy either of those, so I'm still safe!
I just bought an Audio Refinement Multi-2 amp to use for the summer time. The presentation in the mids is still not human like which tubes can do better. But this little amp as finesse and for the first time I can hear the interplay of different harmonies. The higher up YBA amps are definitely worth investigating like the Passion or Classsic lines. BTW I would recommend a tube line stage or the sound can be a bit lean.