Tube preamp for a Bel Canto eVo2 Gen II

Don’t flame me for the mix & match system, I’m learning and growing as fast as I can. :-) I’m looking for a preamp (probably tube?) to go with a Bel Canto eVo2 Gen II. I’m thinking a “sweeter” tube preamp to balance out the potentially “dry” Bel Canto. Rest of the system is as follows. Musical Fidelity A3.2CD player, Spendor S9's.
Budget dictates $1000 - 1500 used for the preamp. Audio Mirror has some aesthetically pleasing preamps for very decent prices but I haven’t heard any in person. Other suggestions? Am I worrying too much about the eVo’s being “dry”?

Holding my breath until you reply,
Noexit Esq.
Yikes Newbie & Jafox, much ado about nothing IMHO. I’m new to “high-fi” and if you preview my one and only other post you’ll see the roots to my question. I’m 99% sure I’m buying a Bel Canto amp and I’ll be using my Creek 5350R as a “preamp” for the time being and didn’t want to have the system sound like mush in the interim.
Perhaps you should wait until that morning coffee before you post. :-)

Proud to have rode the short bus AND learned that arguing in a message board is like winning a gold medal in the special olympics .......

Noexit Esq.
If you haven't already bought BelCanto eVo 2, you should seriously consider the eVo 4 model, IMO. It's just a little bit more expensive, but much superior in bass/dynamics department, rivalling the biggest SS amps here.

Just my 0.02c worth.
TAD-150 Signature - from Paul at

Great tube Pre-Amp that will compete with amp several times its price.