Which is the best SET integrated amp under $1500?

Hello, all. I wanted to purchase an integrated SET amp. My budget is under $1500, and I was wondering which company, or which model in particular would be a good one. My speakers are Axiom M80tis, with a 4 ohm impedance, and the SPL In Room 1w/1m is 95dB and the SPL Anechoic 1w/1m is 91dB. I listen to all types of music, and I prefer an amp that can give me the most "lifelike", natural, sound possible. There are so many companies to choose from, and so many different models that I am confused as to which one to get. Does anyone have any suggestions? Please feel free to go into as much detail as possible, because I really need to learn a lot, and I could use the advice. And also, do you know of any websites where I could learn more about the different types of amps there are out there--such as SETs, 300Bs, monoblocks, etc., etc.,? Any and all advice would be appreciated. Thanks to all who reply.
Checkout a Decware (www.decware.com); they love low impedance loads and offer a thirty day money back deal. Maybe not enough power for your speakers but check it out and give Steve Deckert a call to discuss. Other than that you are looking at used. A pair of Wright 300b monoblocks is in your budget used and within a few hundred new; good stuff for the money but the chassis is cheap (good chassis cost a lot).
YOu might look at Almarro.They have a model that uses the 6c33cb tube single ended for about 18 watts.