Which is the best SET integrated amp under $1500?

Hello, all. I wanted to purchase an integrated SET amp. My budget is under $1500, and I was wondering which company, or which model in particular would be a good one. My speakers are Axiom M80tis, with a 4 ohm impedance, and the SPL In Room 1w/1m is 95dB and the SPL Anechoic 1w/1m is 91dB. I listen to all types of music, and I prefer an amp that can give me the most "lifelike", natural, sound possible. There are so many companies to choose from, and so many different models that I am confused as to which one to get. Does anyone have any suggestions? Please feel free to go into as much detail as possible, because I really need to learn a lot, and I could use the advice. And also, do you know of any websites where I could learn more about the different types of amps there are out there--such as SETs, 300Bs, monoblocks, etc., etc.,? Any and all advice would be appreciated. Thanks to all who reply.
Checkout a Decware (www.decware.com); they love low impedance loads and offer a thirty day money back deal. Maybe not enough power for your speakers but check it out and give Steve Deckert a call to discuss. Other than that you are looking at used. A pair of Wright 300b monoblocks is in your budget used and within a few hundred new; good stuff for the money but the chassis is cheap (good chassis cost a lot).
YOu might look at Almarro.They have a model that uses the 6c33cb tube single ended for about 18 watts.
It depends on your musical tastes, room size, volume level, and a few other things. It also depends on what type of tube sound you are looking for - lush and velvetey or more neutral.

A few that I can recommed right off the bat - Almarro A205A(5 wpc) & A318A(18wpc), Antique Sound Lab MG- SI 15 DT (15wpc in Ultralinear, 5 wpc in triode), ASL Orchid 2A3, Sophia Electric Set Music Baby.

I've got the A318A(3 inputs) and it has many great traits going for it besides fantastic build and cosmetics. It is ballsey yet neutral as far as SET amps got. It does a lot of things right. Not in the same ballpark as my Welborne DRD 300B monoblocks, but totally different output tubes and intended use.

How about some more info on what you are looking for and listen to? Also, how big is your room?