Which is the best SET integrated amp under $1500?

Hello, all. I wanted to purchase an integrated SET amp. My budget is under $1500, and I was wondering which company, or which model in particular would be a good one. My speakers are Axiom M80tis, with a 4 ohm impedance, and the SPL In Room 1w/1m is 95dB and the SPL Anechoic 1w/1m is 91dB. I listen to all types of music, and I prefer an amp that can give me the most "lifelike", natural, sound possible. There are so many companies to choose from, and so many different models that I am confused as to which one to get. Does anyone have any suggestions? Please feel free to go into as much detail as possible, because I really need to learn a lot, and I could use the advice. And also, do you know of any websites where I could learn more about the different types of amps there are out there--such as SETs, 300Bs, monoblocks, etc., etc.,? Any and all advice would be appreciated. Thanks to all who reply.
It depends on your musical tastes, room size, volume level, and a few other things. It also depends on what type of tube sound you are looking for - lush and velvetey or more neutral.

A few that I can recommed right off the bat - Almarro A205A(5 wpc) & A318A(18wpc), Antique Sound Lab MG- SI 15 DT (15wpc in Ultralinear, 5 wpc in triode), ASL Orchid 2A3, Sophia Electric Set Music Baby.

I've got the A318A(3 inputs) and it has many great traits going for it besides fantastic build and cosmetics. It is ballsey yet neutral as far as SET amps got. It does a lot of things right. Not in the same ballpark as my Welborne DRD 300B monoblocks, but totally different output tubes and intended use.

How about some more info on what you are looking for and listen to? Also, how big is your room?
Thank you for responding Darkmoebius, I mostly listen to a little bit of everything--classical, rock, pop, jazz, etc., and I prefer a more neutral, lifelike, natural, sound over a lush one. My room is big, my system is in my living room, and so it is a fairly large size room, and so I am looking for a lot of power as well. I am mainly looking for a good amp in terms of sound quality, the best that I can get at this price point.
Leroy, I was on a similar quest so I'll chime in here. Darkmoebius mentions the ASL Orchid, a 2a3 based set integrated. His recommendations and suggestions are spot on. I have one in my office system and I can say it is beautiful sounding and extraordinarily clear. However, I have doubts it will drive your speakers well. With 3 watts, I'd expect your speakers to sound a bit anemic given their low impedance. Really would mate best with speakers close to 100db/watt with an 8+ohm rating.

In my home rig I have an Audio Note Kit1 amp. This may be a great option for you. It is a kit so you must build it, but for me that was a plus--fun, actually! Anyway, it's a 300b amp that retails for $1399 for the kit. Really nice quality components and should drive your speakers surprising well considering it's only 8 watts. Where it will be lacking will be at high volumes and low bass. Highs may also roll off depending on the impedance curve of your speaks--the flatter the curve the flatter the frequency response will be using an set amp.

The kit1 has only 1 input, so it can only handle one source at a time. Other than that, it's considered an integrated since it has a volume pot.


If you decide on the kit1, join the forum at audioasylum.com it's a great place to get more info and share your experiences.

Hey Leroy,

At 95dB, your Axiom's give you a pretty wide open choice of output tubes. My C&C IM-Bens are also 95dB and I found the 7 wpc of my Welborne DRD's(monoblocks) to be more than enough for all forms of music, including the heaviest of hard rock that I like to blast occasionally.

I just bought a used Audion Sterling ETSE integrated off A'gon today. It's a 12wpc EL34 and so far I like it. Not as holographic as my 300B's + TVC, but it still is doing a terrific job judging by the first few hours. It has mediocre Russian tubes in it, so who knows the true potential.

If you want power reserves, consider something in the 8-18wpc range. But, on my 95-97dB speakers, I really can't tell the difference, powerwise, between my 18wpc integrated and 7wpc monoblocks. It gets too loud long before I get past 5 watts.

As for dynamics, that is probably far more a function of power supply than overall output rating. I've had 20 watt outspeed 75-100 watt amps in that trait.

My suggestion is that before buying a new integrated, keep your eye out for some good deals on used amps here on Audiogon. That way, you can try it out and resell it without losing any or much money if it is not to your taste. Start with used integrateds in the $500-800 before jumping to your max range. Get one, listen for a month or so, sell it, get another. I'm on my 3rd and have learned a lot between them without losing any money. Sounds crazy, but it's better than going for broke on an unknown.

There is no way to know what's right without experience. Some people swear 300B tubes are the greatest, others the 45, KT-88, KT-90, EL34, EL84, VT52, 2A3, etc.

Unfortunately, you are going to have to take the same silly journey the rest of us are taking through components before finding bliss.

The demo ASL MG SI-15 DT that Jeff's Sound Values has for sale at $765 could be a great intro.

Darkmoebius, we must have similar tastes--I have C&C single Bens. Thought about the IMs and have had second thoughts more than once...looked at your system and really am impressed. How do you like the Baileys? I considered them and decided on a single ACI Titan as it was easier to place. There's a bit of a hole in the upper bass that I'm thinking the Baileys would fill in. Have you tried your IMs with other subs?

On another note, a friend had an Audion Silver Knight, so I'm familiar with the sound--I bet your rig is extraordinarily textural. Really what I like!

Back to the thread, Leroy--sage advice from Darkmoebius: buy used and listen. Each tube has its strength and you've got to try to see what you like.