noise thru tube pre??

Is it normal that if I tap on the pre chassis that I can here it slightly in the speakers (like a record player picks up taps and such) just curious Chad
No I think you are confused. Tubes have a pleasant sounding noise. SS has a nasty sounding noise. There is a big difference....Wink.
Hell, I wouldn't even wink! SS sucks the music right out of the grooves and craps all over it! Hey, Nrchy, did you ever figure out how to bias that tube amp you bought? :-)
Wow, a lot of valve love in the room.

You've got a great hybrid preamp. I like the suggestions above. Go with something new and reliable to start, then roll into some NOS later. With only one valve, you can afford top notch NOS.
This was noticed after I rolled the stock Sylvania, with a NOS phillips tube, I dont know if it was doing it before, its not like I walk around tapping equipment (I like to tap my feet though), anyway maybe I need to re-install first tube, as of now I have no tube damper....thanks guys