What is the Best Amp to match with CJ ART??

I just bought an ART series 2 preamp and have been trying to decide what amps would be a good Match. My speakers are a pair of Nestorovic Labs (92 DB efficient) and a pair of Quad USA Monitors (a little less efficient). Any thoughts??
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Well here I go again chiming in to agree with Rushton on the Atma-Sphere MA-1 OTL's but I can't help myself. They would be a great match with the ART 2. I can speak from experience living with a pair of Silver Editions this year. I have them paired with Aesthetix on the front end and my Vinyl sounds beautiful! If you have the extra scratch I would highly recommend the Silvers MA-1 MKII.3 as they have 14 output tubes vs. 12 of the standard MA-1 and also includes Caddock resistors and Teflon coupling caps. Well worth the sound improvement. I think there is a fellow with a pair offered on the A'goN as we speak or you could contact Ralph Karsten at Atma-Sphere, he's a great guy. Cheers!
All Atma-Sphere MA-1s have had 14 output tubes for quite a few years. I have 14 tube MA-1 Mk II.3s that I use and demo, as well as a pair of a pair of 12 tube MA-1 Mk Is. The differences are substantial, much more than the power rating difference. It would be interesting to compare the ART 2 against the just introduced MP-1 Mk III driving the MA-1s. I imagine we'll see and hear the MP-1 Mk III at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest.

Carey, I am INSANE so I am probably not a good benchmark. I currently have 10 Telefunken NOS CCAs and I love them. I have also acquired 10 Siemens early 60s dull grey plate CCas but haven't tried them yet. I am told you can get super close to the Siemens CCas with other NOS Siemens 6DJ8 tubes for a LOT less money but I cannot attest to either the sound of the Siemens CCAs yet or that claim of getting close for less.

The Teles go for a STUPID expensive $200 a tube through a dealer - I was very lucky as the guy I bought the ART-2 from had JUST paid that for the Teles through a reputable dealer and he just threw them in with my ART-2 for $700.00 for all 10.

Just my $.02