What is the Best Amp to match with CJ ART??

I just bought an ART series 2 preamp and have been trying to decide what amps would be a good Match. My speakers are a pair of Nestorovic Labs (92 DB efficient) and a pair of Quad USA Monitors (a little less efficient). Any thoughts??
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Another suggestion is to wait a month for the brand new CJ lp 140m monoblocs . It woulld offer possible synergy other great choices like the suggestions above may or may not give you. Personally , i looked around and auditioned a few great tube amps to match my Act 2 with and found the compatability and system synergy magical when I stayed CJ all the way through.
Rush, how's that Walker doin? You ready to sell it to me for $3,000 yet!!! ;-)

Leave it to me to read your post wrong!! I agree those C-J tubes amps ARE relaxed! I had one about 9 years ago and it was always pleasant and musical. So, I did what any moronic audiophool would do - I SOLD it!! YUP, this hobby can be weird!

Thank God I am older, hopefuly wiser, off the equipment merry-go-round and just loving life and the music as I am SURE you must be with that killer system.

Be good and have a great summer and fall!!
Well here I go again chiming in to agree with Rushton on the Atma-Sphere MA-1 OTL's but I can't help myself. They would be a great match with the ART 2. I can speak from experience living with a pair of Silver Editions this year. I have them paired with Aesthetix on the front end and my Vinyl sounds beautiful! If you have the extra scratch I would highly recommend the Silvers MA-1 MKII.3 as they have 14 output tubes vs. 12 of the standard MA-1 and also includes Caddock resistors and Teflon coupling caps. Well worth the sound improvement. I think there is a fellow with a pair offered on the A'goN as we speak or you could contact Ralph Karsten at Atma-Sphere, he's a great guy. Cheers!
All Atma-Sphere MA-1s have had 14 output tubes for quite a few years. I have 14 tube MA-1 Mk II.3s that I use and demo, as well as a pair of a pair of 12 tube MA-1 Mk Is. The differences are substantial, much more than the power rating difference. It would be interesting to compare the ART 2 against the just introduced MP-1 Mk III driving the MA-1s. I imagine we'll see and hear the MP-1 Mk III at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest.
