Plinius SB 300 v Plinius SA 250 MK IV

Have any of you heard first hand the SB 300 (V) the SA 250 MK IV?
I'm curious as to which amp you liked better and why?
What's the difference between the two as far as Sonics?
Thanks in advance, for those that can help me.
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I had the SA 100 MK III, I liked it very much.
The SB 300 does everything better in a more extended way.
I recently upgraded to the Plinius SA Reference which is less than a week old and still breaking in. It’s amazing how much more detail there is in various passages now that were not auditable before.
Since this thread has already been derailed...

Lak... I also have Plinius SA100 mkIII's and TVC. Although, I have dual units in balanced/bridged mode which seems to have many of the same advantages you mention. I've also owned amps that were more detailed but the Plinius seemed to tie the stage together as continuous airspace. A group is a group instead of individuals. In your opinion, has that been compromised in favour of more detail or more high frequency energy?
Well my SA250 was a great amp. I have several sets of monoblock tubes and was a nice addition.