tube amp info

I just purchased a pair of mono tube amps and have just started playing them in my system. Do tube amps amps generally require more volume on the preamp than s.s. and is there a recomended warm up time before playing them at volume. Any other guidlines appreciated, thanks
I'm not sure, but I beleive that the volume settings on the pre-amp for two different amplifiers will vary with the impedance of the amplifiers in question. As you play your amps more, you will notice a point during warm up in which everything just sounds better (typically about 30-45 minutes), I don't believe there is any harm playing at volume sooner, but a properly warmed up unit does sound better. I'll typically turn my system on early before anticipated listening just to allow for warm up. (Pre-amp first, and amps after the pre-amp has reached operating temperature (usually about a minute). I'll also turn on source components to allow them to warm up also. When turning the system off, amplifiers are turned off first, before turning off the pre-amp. (Essentially, your pre-amp should be in powered up and in control of your system from start up to finish). I hope this helps, Happy Listening,
The amps input sensitivity will determine how loud it will sound given the same output signal from a pre-amp. I don't have a formulae for calculation but for example using the same pre-amp with an amp w/ an input sensitivity of .5v I get a couple of clicks less on the volume pot (probably 6db or so) than I would when connected to an amp with an input sensitivity of 1v which is again a couple of clicks lower on the volume pot than I would get if the amp had an input sensitivity of 1.5v.

You can play at substantial levels shortly after you turn your stuff on, BUT it may sound a bit rough/harsh/cold. I usually turn everything on and put on some background music for 30 minutes or so while I do other things.
I agree with the above posts also. Do give you tube amps time to warm up. You dont want to start palying music through a amp just turned on as you risk tube damage by stripping the anode (plate)/ within the tube. Give about 5-10 mins at least.--Ken