The amps input sensitivity will determine how loud it will sound given the same output signal from a pre-amp. I don't have a formulae for calculation but for example using the same pre-amp with an amp w/ an input sensitivity of .5v I get a couple of clicks less on the volume pot (probably 6db or so) than I would when connected to an amp with an input sensitivity of 1v which is again a couple of clicks lower on the volume pot than I would get if the amp had an input sensitivity of 1.5v.
You can play at substantial levels shortly after you turn your stuff on, BUT it may sound a bit rough/harsh/cold. I usually turn everything on and put on some background music for 30 minutes or so while I do other things.
You can play at substantial levels shortly after you turn your stuff on, BUT it may sound a bit rough/harsh/cold. I usually turn everything on and put on some background music for 30 minutes or so while I do other things.