J River Vs. Media Monkey Do they sound different

So I invested in a Wyred 4 Sound Dac 2. Initially gad it hooked up to my Oppo 83 as transport and now have taken the plunge and hooked my PC up to the dac via USB. Very simple. Downloaded Media Moonkey and found it to be unnecessarily difficult to navigate. I downloaded J River and found the interface to be great.

I have Vista and am using Kernel Streaming. Sounds great! Even downloaded some hi res albums from HD Tracks. Does anyone have an opinion if there is a sound difference between the most popular packages and if so, who's software sounds the best? Are there software tricks that improve sound (besides kernel streaming and Wasapi?

Thanks in advance.
I am with Nglazer. PC Audio is nothing more than a Racket.
It preys upon those who are simple Novices, whose only
crime is ignorance! Is it possible to come up with a Medium
to replace PC Audio? One that is further bankrupt in Customer Support, and further inadequate in Software/Driver/Accurate Installation Instructions? One that further maximizes Manufacturing Profits by complete
elimination of Customer Support with misdirections for Installation? One that maximizes Profit by utilizing
Customers to provide Customer Support to other Customers?
Sounds crazy once you put it into words-doesn't it!
This is definitely scraping the bottom of the barrel. I don't think that it is possible to go any lower than this.
Build your own Music Server from scrap-for Christ Sakes! You are practically doing it yourself anyways. What do you need the PC Manufacturers for-Customer Support? They can't
even support holding up their own pants. Fifty Percent
failure rate-what a Joke of Convenience!
I do not know what nglazer and Pettyofficer are reffering too. I am not a computer wiz yet I have very few and at the moment no issues with my computer based system. It is so simple my wife uses it. My anolog tt is another story I just broke my cantilever. Talk about agrivation. You may stick with your old ways but you will never know what you are missing. And it is fantastic!
What I am reffering to-Koegz-is that alot of issues with
Computers bleeds over to PC Audio. Hard Drive Crashes,
Malware, Spyware, Viruses, Registry Errors-the list is
endless. Every single Microsoft Update to my Windows 7
comes with loads of Registery Errors. I have had to run
two Registry Error Correction Programs just to keep up.
Your Computer will slow down if these errors are not
corrected, as well as the performance of your Music Server.
Give it time. If you are smart, you will hold on to those
CD's that you have already Ripped. You might find that you are slowly losing access to those Music Files down the road. You have about one chance out of three of your Hard Drive Crashing. This is what the Industry calls, "acceptable losses". Of course its your loss if you didn't save those CD's. Customers make the worst providers
of Customer Support, and the Industry knows it! It's cheap!
God help you if you ever need any assistance! My fingers
are crossed that your good fortune lasts! I keep hearing of some poor slob whose Hard Drive crashes, erasing Tens
of Thousands of Music Files. Back-ups are no more reliable
than the original Hard Drives. Count your blessings, no-one else will in PC Audio! All of these things are what
PC Audio Lunatic Fringe calls C-O-N-V-E-N-I-E-N-C-E! I call it a joke!
As a follow up-Koegz-basically the PC Audio Lunatic Fringe has surrendered all negotiating Customer leverage to the
PC Audio Manufacturers. You have no authority to demand better quality product or better Customer Service. If you do demand, you are quickly ostrasized, and dismissed! It is how the PC Audio Lunatic Fringe thinks they are protecting their Format/Product. This pretty much leaves
Novices of PC Audio Customers wide open and defenseless
against unscrupeless PC Audio Manufacturers. Wouldn't even matter, after all, if you don't like it don't buy it.
Problem is that the PC Audio Lunatic Fringe plan on replacing all Music Formats with PC Audio-Customer be damned! Someones twisted idea of throwing out the Baby with
the Bathwater. This Lunatic Fringe won't be happy untill
they manage to sell everyones soul to an unholy alliance!
They gave away the entire Store from underneath everyones feet, while we weren't looking. Trying to negotiate a better deal now-ain't gonna happen-too late! You are stuck
with whatever sound quality garbage the PC Audio Manufacturers are willing to feed you-High Rez. right now just being a hook. You will end up eating dirt from the PC
Audio Manufacturers, and the Lunatic Fringe will make sure that you are eternally grateful for that dirt! Bon Apetite!