What is Audio Researches best preamp period

Tube or solid state from the oldest to the newest ref ser ,what is the best one they made or make.
I've owned 2 and after comparing them to other competitive products it is 2 too many. "Storied history"? That's funny.
Seriously though, you don't want to A/B an ARC with my Grange; the Supratek is a man among boys in that game.
NOT the LS2B
Had it for three year. Bright as hell. Could have used it as a dentist drill.
This may cause some controversy,yet to be honest let me explain.I have owned the SP-8,SP-10,SP-11,and the SP-15.I had the SP-15 upgraded(literally rebuilt)by Great Northern Sound,and BY far IT IS THE BEST OF THE LOT.BEST FREQ EXTREMES,OF THE LOT,AS WELL AS BEST SENSE OF QUIET.LOW MAINTENANCE,DUE TO 3 TUBES IN PHONO(TUBE ROLLING IS EFFECTIVE HERE).There is NO sense of whiteness,claimed by some,though the mod cost bucks.I t has incredible inner detail,and a huge soundstage, and most important to me--Correct timbres.I have compared it to a CJ ART,as well as the Lamm and it was a dead heat,except for the A.R. having more bass slam.What can I say.Sometimes it pays to keep,and modify existing stuff.

Best regards.