Rowland --- older amps vs the newer models?

Curious to hear from the Rowland fans with regard to the newest models....501/201 - ICE....I've always heard glowing reports of older Rowland model (single digit ones) but little about the latest. Best to stick with the earlier versions?
I own a pair of 201s and have compared the 501s at home. Both sound similar -- tonally well balance with good freq extension, quick and very musical. Although small in size these amps are built solid and look very attractive. They are designed to be left on 24/7 (little current draw) and run very effeciently. I haven't heard the older model JR amps.

Wadia 861>>JR 201s>>B&W804 Spk.
As for the old ones......I would go with the 3s. Not as "rolled off in the highs" as the 5s and 7s are. I mainly prefer it because of the output transistors. And they run cooler.

I won't comment on the ICEpower ones. Some use the ASP series, which has a SMPS on the amp module. Some use a separate SMPS. Vicor, I believe. Not that should matter much to the consumer what the brand is.
i haven't heard the newest rowland amps, but i have m-12's that sounded very similar to my ears like the pass aleph series (with less heat and weight, and able to handle higher speaker loads): (almost) tube sound without the tubes- i personally couldn't ask for much more than that. plus, rowland has undergone some unusual (somewhat rapid) changes in their product lines since the m-12 was discontined. and,
i still have a rowland consumate preamp which has 200 VOLUME STEPS and sounds incredible. the built-in phono sounds good and is QUIET even for moving coil settings. so, in conclusion, i'm (very) happy they have a proud history of making some very good-sounding solid-state. and, i just don't have the overwhelming urge to go out and get a synergy or a 302.
Had my model 8 with the original power supply ( choke) for many years. It's built like a tank and sounds much smoother than some of the newer models IMHO. I have compared choke vs. dual mono supply version and again prefer the choke version. If you can hear one I think you will hear what I mean.
Daveyf,my pal has the single chassis 8t,and I went for the dual chassis 8t,with the battery power supply.I assume you are referring to the single chassis,non switch mode PS,when you infer the orig is superior,to your ears.

I had my battery updated a year or so ago,to the switch mode power supply,which now replaces the battery.Originally,though the battery was quieter,the non battery model,my friend has,was a better performer,in dynamics,and very close in noise floor.Although I liked my model,his was actually the overall better unit,and damn quiet too!To me,the orig battery model,as compared to the higher powered regular model,was not really worth the extra cost.

Yet with the addition of the new switch mode power supply,in my second chassis,the tables,to me,are turned,and BIG TIME!!I,and my friend have identical set-ups,except I run Avalons,and he,Kharma.My Two chassis model(with the new PS)is better at extracting subtle inner voicings,something the stock unit is great at,but not in the class of the two chassis unit,as of now.Thank goodness,as I spent "bucks" for it.The new modded version,I now have is overall capable of blacker backgrounds,and sounds very neutral.To me,with the conversion of A/C to D/C,it is SO neutral,that I cannot detect any transistor/tube colorations,at all.BTW---I try "really hard" to detect any anomolies,like this,yet nothing to indicate any component signature.Now THAT is a good thing!!

Best regards!