What preamp goes with sim audio w-5?

Just got a sim w-5 power amp and am using a woo audio preamp to drive merlin vsm speakers. What preamp would go well with this power amp. I recently started listening to vinyl and mainly listen to opera. thanks
...a tube preamp!

I'm using a Simaudio W-3 and a tube preamp but UHF Magazine has nothing but good reviews about the W-5 and they use one in their Reference system with a Copland CTA-305 tube preamp.

For more info check out their web site;
I have to disagree with Amperidian here. Of course there is a certain amount of personal taste, but the description here is clear that amperidian likes a euphonic, colored, musical sound. In the most part, that's what tubes do. If you play a musical instrument, you'll know that the Dyn C4 / Andromeda, P-8 and W-8 combination sounds incredibly....neutral, fast, uncolored and most importantly transparent. This sound is the "real sound", the sound of instruments in "real life". The warm, mushy, overly rich in harmonics sound is certainly larger than life and pleasant at first, but six months down the road you'll be trading in your gear.
true to the point audio4ever, you also fail to mention that unless your cd collection comprises reference recordings only, you will quickly stop listening to music altogether with the sim audio setup you mentioned above.

As far as "euphonic, colored" sound goes ... well that's always up for debate. I prefer to believe that I am involved in the music I hear instead of feeling like I just walked into a surgery room ... a good analogy between the system I prefer and the one you describe above.

The Audio Aero Capitole MKII SE/YBA Passion combo I use is definitely fast,transparent and musical without sounding colored ... just go out and audition these 2 lines for yourself. They are not mushy or larger than life as described above, and most people who have had decent exposure to world class tubes know that they can sound just as good if not better than most solid state gear out there (go audition some Nagra, Lamm or Tenor gear, they mop the floor with Sim Audio in A/B comparisons).

I think my preference for musicality and emotion has been clearly stated ...furthermore tubes and solid state can - and have - mated very well in many systems here on audiogon. This goes a long way to show that tubes can reach certain qualities that may be lacking in some solid state technology and can be an integral part of many reference level systems.

I just completed the break-in period for the Sim W-3. Initially I was disappointed. Everything sounded harsh
and overly bright. After a month of use, I moved my speaker closer together and the dfetail just popped. I will agree, that the Sims show every flaw in the recording process. You actaully hear it all. Once I had an opportunity to listen carefully and think about it, it made sense. That is the point of the listening. I played a variety of music; classical, jazz, live recordings, etc.

Truth be told, I heard the recording not the equipment colored it, but as it ewas recorded. There was NO coloration. Which is why I love this maddening hobby. Again, it will come down to personal taste and preferences.

I am using the Conrad-johnson Pre-Amp 14PVLS(tubed to balance the SS), B&W Nautilus 805, Kimber Silver Streak, Analsys Plus Oval 9 interconnect. of course I realize that this can most definitely be improved upon (at a later date). But for the moment, i amgettingt e staging, detail and full effect of the recording and its flaws. The major flaws have to d9o with my speakers and the cable used with them. That I will deal with later.

Yes, I like the CJ with it. My suggestion is take the W-3 with you and listen to it with Pre-Amps at a good dealer. A great dealer will loan a unit overnight.

Good luck.

Preamps I have found are important to the over all sound in a system. So first off I'd recommend taking care in picking what sounds best to you.

The second thing is that different people have different tastes for what they like in sound quality, so be careful with what people recommend, because what they like is not necessarily what you will like. I won't make specific recommendations unless you can tell us what kind of sound you prefer. Is is fleshy, full sound, or warm sound, or neutral sound? Are you willing to give up a little bass response to get the above, or not? No preamp does it all.

I have the W-5 preamp, and auditioned a few preamps in my system. For me a tube preamp was the way to go. I found my system with all SS gear too much on the harsh/analytical side of sound when listening to CD's. As has been mentioned above, this setup only played a few reference CD's well, and was too unforgiving of most music.

So my first recommendation is tube preamps. Although with vinyl use, you may not consider a tube preamp even necessary.

As for the W-5, many people recommend a fully balanced preamp because they say the W-5 sounds best with a fully balanced signal. I went this way myself. So that will knock out a lot of preamps. Remember to look for fully balanced units if you go that way, rather than just preamps with an XLR output.

I have the Cary SLP 2002 (a fully balanced tube preamp) and am happy with it. It isn't tubey sounding like some preamps I've listened to, but it isn't quite as neutral as many of the newer 6H30 tube preamps are either.

Good luck
