true to the point audio4ever, you also fail to mention that unless your cd collection comprises reference recordings only, you will quickly stop listening to music altogether with the sim audio setup you mentioned above.
As far as "euphonic, colored" sound goes ... well that's always up for debate. I prefer to believe that I am involved in the music I hear instead of feeling like I just walked into a surgery room ... a good analogy between the system I prefer and the one you describe above.
The Audio Aero Capitole MKII SE/YBA Passion combo I use is definitely fast,transparent and musical without sounding colored ... just go out and audition these 2 lines for yourself. They are not mushy or larger than life as described above, and most people who have had decent exposure to world class tubes know that they can sound just as good if not better than most solid state gear out there (go audition some Nagra, Lamm or Tenor gear, they mop the floor with Sim Audio in A/B comparisons).
I think my preference for musicality and emotion has been clearly stated ...furthermore tubes and solid state can - and have - mated very well in many systems here on audiogon. This goes a long way to show that tubes can reach certain qualities that may be lacking in some solid state technology and can be an integral part of many reference level systems.
As far as "euphonic, colored" sound goes ... well that's always up for debate. I prefer to believe that I am involved in the music I hear instead of feeling like I just walked into a surgery room ... a good analogy between the system I prefer and the one you describe above.
The Audio Aero Capitole MKII SE/YBA Passion combo I use is definitely fast,transparent and musical without sounding colored ... just go out and audition these 2 lines for yourself. They are not mushy or larger than life as described above, and most people who have had decent exposure to world class tubes know that they can sound just as good if not better than most solid state gear out there (go audition some Nagra, Lamm or Tenor gear, they mop the floor with Sim Audio in A/B comparisons).
I think my preference for musicality and emotion has been clearly stated ...furthermore tubes and solid state can - and have - mated very well in many systems here on audiogon. This goes a long way to show that tubes can reach certain qualities that may be lacking in some solid state technology and can be an integral part of many reference level systems.