Lamm ML 2.1 SET vs ASR Emitter II, DartZel

If you had to compare a tube amp with the best of solid state amps, how would the Lamm ML 2.1 differ from the other two above. I am planning on either the VonSchweikert VR-7, or the Wilson Max II speakers which are both efficient speakers. All kinds of music, EMM labs front end, preamp optional with EMM.
Cytocycle- based on Owl's comments maybe an Emitter I or the Emitter I Exclusive is all you need, and should fit your rack.
Kana - unfortunately the II has 3 battery ps plus the control unit and the I has 2 BPS so space saving is not really a benefit, unfortunately. Boa2, I love these amps and am moving up to the II's!
The "revolutionary" descriptor about the ASR is interesting indeed. What is there website? I googled it and didn't find it