A guy I bought a small piece of gear from last year, (a Linn remote, actually) has a story similar to but even more dramatic than those of Rossq and Clmorton. He started out with a Linn system in his youth, and then went all out into the different systems. He spent 70K on one, which he ended up selling in dissatisfaction, and then spent something like 60K on an all YBA system. He recently sold the YBA and bought a Linn system consisting of an Ikemi, a Kairn, and an LK 140 to go with some Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors. Total cost, including the Cremonas, was less than 15 K new. (He also has a maxed out LP 12 worth 10K, but had this with the other systems as well). He is ecstatic with his current system. As he puts it, he has tears in his eyes again when he listens to music - something entirely missing with the other systems.
Now, I do not believe that everyone is going to have this same response to Linn, nor is there anything wrong with your ears if you don't. For instance, if you like tubes, like tomryan, it seems to me you are pretty likely to find the gear unsatisfying. (The "blooming," "liquid" "organic" sound - what ever precisely these last two mean - is just not the Linn scene.) I actually am not sure I will ultimately be satisfied with the limited dynamics of their preamps. But the entry and midrange stuff in their line is really nothing less than remarkable for the money, especially on the used market.