Think I'm going to try tubes...

I just hafta know what all the fuss is about, however there are no tube shops near me and I won't be able to preview any of them so I need your advice!! I have the dynaudio contour 1.8 speakers which aren't very sensitive (86db)but are impedence matched to 4ohms so it shouldn't put too much stress on the tubes. I was thinking a KT88 pentode since they seem to offer the highest output for the price and I've narrowed it down to three choices- Prima Luna II, Jolida 502b and the ASL AQ1001DT. Which one do you think will be the best mate with my Dyns and why? I'm realistic and willing to give up some of the speed and impact of my solid state gear for that tubieness, however it must be able to play some rock without sounding like molasses.
As mentioned earlier, you might try a tubed pre and a solid state amp. I have Hales Rev 3s which are rated at I believe 87db and I have been told that I would have to have a good sized tube amp (say 100 watts) in order to drive them well. I recomend the AES AE3 tubed pre amp as long as you get rid of it's stock tubes and replace with NOS. I use sylvanias. There is one for sale here on the Gon. Buy it try it. If you don't like it sell it again. No it's not mine and I don't know who's selling it.
Going tubes is great but with right speaker. If your 1.8's are anything like the 1.3's I had, they need power and lots of it to sound good. Good luck.

Let me add a bit more info-

I'm not giving up on solid state by any means, I still have my SS H/T gear, but I just moved to an apartment and need to get a bit more enjoyment playing music at lower levels to keep peace w/ the neighbors.

I don't want to swap out the pre because I'll eventually move back to H/T at some point.

Budget is <1000 and I'm looking to buy used.

I could get one of those X10D things from Musical Fidelity and keep my SS setup as is, but will that really create that seduction that everyone raves about? Somehow I doubt that, I tried a tubed CD player once and could hardly notice the difference.
I own the PrimaLuna P2 driving Wilson Benesch Arcs. My previous speakers were Dynaudio 1.3mk2s, and I've listened to the PrimaLuna with these and the Dynaudio C1s. I love the PrimaLuna tube amp--but not with the Dyns.

The sound through the Dynaudios was too warm and undynamic for my tastes. My former amp was a Plinius 8100 and I preferred it to the PrimaLuna when using my old 1.3s. The Wilson Benesch is more transparent and detailed, making them a better mate for a tube amp. The SS amp and tube preamp suggestions may also be a better choice than an all-tube setup.
About my speakers, I really, really, love them, so they aren't going to change. Also I found a review (Fi 1999) in which they paired the 1.8's with a 20 watt SET amp with amazing results so I know it's possible.