Threshold s150 or Forte 4a amplifier?

I have a pair of 4 ohm speakers (2 Peerless High Def 5 1/4 Mid-woofer and Vifa Ring Radiator XT Tweeter in each cabinet) that are around 89 db/ in a fairly small listening room. I have a choice of either the Threshold s150 at 75 watts/channel or the Forte 4a at 50 watts/channel Class A. I am looking for some feed back on both of these amplifiers and suggestions on which amp I should Keep. Thanks in advance for all advise!
The Threshold in a different class? Wasn't Forte a Threshold Company? I am not sure of the relationship between the two but I know they are related in some shape or form. Can anyone fill me in?
I have not worked on any for almost 20 years, but I do not recall that much difference between them.

Actually......I like the output transistors in the Forte much better.
Yes, Forte was a Threshold company. Threshold was able to market products at a lower price point using the Forte name. I had heard the Forte 4A driving Thiel 1.5 and Martin Logan Aerius, and it was a great amp at that time for that price. Because of the power requirement of my Thiel 2.2s then, I ended up getting the Forte 6 (the 200 watt A/B version of the otherwise-the-same-design of 4A).

They share the same sound characteristics with their more expensive Threshold "cousins". Since you have both amps, why not trust your ears and make the judgment yourself?

I have been Listening to both and over all they seem to produce very similar sound. The Forte does produce a more definate lower end, the bass guitar in The Greatful Dead's "Working Mans Dead" each note stands out and rings as the strings hit the frets. When playing the same on the Threshold the notes on the bass guitar are a bit muddy. I have read things on power cord up grades and also somthing about moving the transformer away from the out put section. If anyone has some good advice on this I would like to hear it! Also I am currently using my Home theater Pre-amp Processor with these and would like to soon pick up a nice solid simple 2 channel preamp with in put for CD. Any suggestions?

Well I have had Both as well, My favorite for musicality out of all the thresholds still stands the best valued S150, I like the forte 4a A lot as well but I did not have the Class A' 50 watt version mine was configured in AB, and still very good, I had a s300 as well and the s150 always sounded much better to me, but could be the Synergy situation with certain components and speakers.