I need some direction

I've got the itch for more power and something different. My current system consists of Marantz SACD (SA-8260), Audio Refinement Complete Alpha and JM Labs (816s) with audioquest cable. I listen to Jazz and R & B w/ some classic rock on occassion.

Lately I have been looking hard at the Portal Panache Int. I have a weakness for passive integrateds (owned 3 Creeks)but most were not powerful enough. I'm curently in a small to medium size room but will be moving to a larger one in the future.

Any ideas ?
Thanks for the input,

As much as I would like to go up the YBA line I also want to stay married to my wife. I may have to wait a little while before parting with $$$ for a Passion 200.

The Placette seems nice but I want to keep my system as simple as possible.

Thanks Shoe for the review. I'm leaning in the direction of the Panache. Thanks again !!!
James, stay married to your wife? Get your priorties in order my man...lol..the waf plagues us all...
Just in case you are checking back. The Panache finally came in today and I've been sitting here listening to it for the last two hours. It's like my speakers were sick and have gotten over a bad cold! More open soundstage, wider , deeper, cleaner, bass is livley and the Panache seems to do it with ease.. Just what the doctor ordered. After awhile i just listened to the music instead of analyzing the system..a welcome relief.
I was thinking about changing speakers but going to hold on to these Revel F 30's for awhile, seems to be a very good match with the Panache.
good luck