A Plinius amp purchased two months four months ago has made me not really miss my tube amps (mostly SETs) of the last 19 years. Just last night I was marvelling at the sheer musicality of the SA-50 MKIII and the fact that I have no desire to get back to a tube amp any time soon. However, I do have a Joule Electra LA-150 II pre-amp which I think is beautifully musical, and also have Harbeth speakers which need quite a bit of drive.
On the other hand, I do miss seeing the glowing tubes and even looking at the trannies. And I've got a flawless Ait Tight ATM300 just setting here looking gorgeous. I can't seem to get up the nerve to place it on the market.
On the other hand, I do miss seeing the glowing tubes and even looking at the trannies. And I've got a flawless Ait Tight ATM300 just setting here looking gorgeous. I can't seem to get up the nerve to place it on the market.