***Fmpnd: I just realized that most of the people here that are standing up for you and attacking me have email addresses and no user accounts here…I am wondering who is putting them up to it and who these people actually are.***
Dear Mr. Tinn: My bet is you wonder a lot of things. Like if your grocer puts the milk that expires first in front to poison you. Or if the next president of the United States will be an alien puppet from another, much larger planet sent here to destroy you. Mr. Peraino is an attorney right? Shouldn’t you be discussing your paranoid delusions and conspiracy theories with your psychiatrist instead?
Dear Mr. Sommer: I’m with you. I don’t care for the sound of shrill tin(n) but I do like solid-state. For me Krell is the right choice for all the right reasons. Great sound, great products, great company.
Dear Mr. Tinn: My bet is you wonder a lot of things. Like if your grocer puts the milk that expires first in front to poison you. Or if the next president of the United States will be an alien puppet from another, much larger planet sent here to destroy you. Mr. Peraino is an attorney right? Shouldn’t you be discussing your paranoid delusions and conspiracy theories with your psychiatrist instead?
Dear Mr. Sommer: I’m with you. I don’t care for the sound of shrill tin(n) but I do like solid-state. For me Krell is the right choice for all the right reasons. Great sound, great products, great company.