I am no expert in this field but having just completed the process, after much research, I'll share what I learned. BTW, when I say just completed I mean I finished ripping cds yesterday and hooked everything into my system last night. I can tell already that my cdp won't see as much use as it did.
All of my research pointed to a Mac Mini with external HD feeding a dac as the best way to implement the system. I ended up with:
Mac Mini (latest version)
ipod touch for remote control
Western Gigital HD
PS Audio DLIII dac
Choosing equipment was easy, it was deciding how to rip that gave me the most trouble. Trouble because after deciding which way to go I would read some contradictory information.
Cds were ripped to itunes with AIFF. I downloaded EAC software mentioned above to my pc and ripped some cds that way. If I were using a pc instead of Mac I'd go with EAC as you are assured of an exact duplicate.
I also downloaded the MAX software mentioned above but found it difficult to use. If I were to do it over I might chose WAV files instead of the AIFF, not for quality but because they seem to be used more readily by the other programs.
The ipod touch was chosen as remote because I had one. It works great.
The HD I purchased is only 500gb, may be a problem but my intention was not to rip all of my cds, only those I listen to. I ended up loading 453 albums, according to itunes, which is about half of my cds and I used 200gb. I don't know about you but I have cds that will never get listened to. If I really want to hear one I'll use the cdp.
At this point I have no intention of streaming music throughout the house so can't help there.