Conrad Johnson Primier 16ls1 vs 16ls2 owners...

I was hoping to buy a CJ Premier 16 preamp. I want to roll my Amperex white label PQ 7308 small signal tubes. I've heard that the original ART 1 went through tubes quite a bit faster than a normal preamp, which is something that I want to stay away from. Is this true of the 16ls1 or 16ls2 as well? Also, how are the highs and soundstage on both of these fine preamps? Finally, will I lose "bloom" by going to the 16ls2? Thanks! Stan
If the unit was upgraded on the back of the chassis cj provided a sticker that basic stated series 2 and the date and maybe a new serial number ( can't remember that clearly).

Not sure on new units, however I am sure you could ask cj at what batch of serial numbers series 2 started if it is not on the back panel.
UPDATE... I just bought a 2+ year old CJ 16LS2. It appeared on Audiogon today and I dove on it. I've been checking for a 16ls2 for over two weeks---about 4-5 times per day...(yep, I was even checking at work)... Thanks for all the great descriptions of the preamp's attributes. I hope that it will fit in well with my system. I'm sure I'll see a huge improvement over the Bat vk5i that I now own. I should see the preamp by the end of the week. I can't wait. Best wishes!
I don't think you'll be disappointed. Please post your impressions.

Best of luck with it,