Reliability of Cary Audio Products

I'm considering adding a second (all tube) system for my home office. Amongst the integrated amps that are being considered is the Cary SLI 80. A friend, who is also a long term retailer of audio products, suggested that Cary has a poor reliability record. He hasn't sold Cary for a long while, and from what I've read on Audiogon, he may be out of touch with Cary products. Comments from Cary owners would be appreciated.

I think whatever feedback you get here will be close to worthless. The satisfied owners who read this and have had no problems will defend their choices and tell you they are very reliable. Those who had problems and are disgruntled will say they aren't. In any case, the number of owners who answer will be such a small portion of Cary's install base that it will be statically insignificant therefore the results of your poll will be meaningless.

Dealers would have a better idea, but current dealers would never tell you they are unreliable even if they are, and former dealers are more likely to tell you that they are unreliable even if they aren't.

Ask Cary; they know. See what they have to say :>)
Herman....insofar as your analysis is true, it would have to apply to your own comments, thus making them "close to worthless" (to use your own words). Only a very small number of actual audiophiles will reply to any given post, including the Cary post, therefore......
I did have some problems with a Cary unit. Multiple tube failures. Tube supplier said it was bad tubes, replaced some but not others. Had the unit inspected by Cary prior to selling it. They found nothing amiss. Other than the tube drop outs the unit performed well. I use Accuphase SS stuff now. No tubes....
My Cary amps and preamp have always functioned flawlessly and sounded great; the amps are now almost 10 years old.