KRELL KSA 50 100 150 0r 250.

I have decided that i would like to try one of these Krell amps.
BUT, i have never heard one.....but did lots of reading and people seem happy with them.

I understand that the models do sound different with more or less watts, lets hear some recomendations and opinions on these amps.


Also thought i would mention my pre is a Krell KSP-7B and currently using a Bryston 4B as a power amp.
You will wan the Ksa250. Very powerful lowend but tubelike mids and highs. the dynamics are sort of recessed on mids and highs and this amp will match a speaker that has more HF output rather then a warm system. Noe the MDA 300 is completely diffrent sound. more Hf energy. suggest a nice ksa200or300S. More balanced sound. ive owned 7 krell amps. Just my 2cents. Ever try tubes?
I have never tried tubes and do not know anything about tube amps or even heard one.
My budget is set at $1500 or under, so i have to make do with the used market and buy something that will resell for the same amount or even a few bucks higher......that's the kind of deal i am after, only because i have a hard enough time making ends meet without buying stereo equipment.
I think the KSA 250 would be great, but do not have the bread for one at this time, unless by fluke i find one for under $1500 which i highly dought very much.
Thanks for the input.
The KSA 150 is similar to the 250, a little less power but a similar sonic signature (and more than enough power for almost all applications), a good buy if you can find one. The older Krell models, save for the KSA 50Mk II, might sound a little more "hi-fi" than the later models, and will be subject to more potential problems because they use cooling fans instead of heat sinks. All should ultimately be checked, as at their current age there may be some capacitors to be replaced. Keep in mind these beasts run hot, even the KSA 150 and 250, which were not totally Class A designs like the earlier ones. And while I agree with the above poster that the "S" series were perhaps better balanced, they always seemed to be sterile-sounding to me; I guess I liked the colorations and character of the earlier models.