Mac gear "Slow" or others "Fast"

When auditioning amps I A/B'd Mac and Classe models and noticed the Classe's were more immediate. Classe bass had more impact, but also decayed much quicker. At that time I assumed the Macs were slow and bought Cam 350's and Para S8's. Since then I've heard much of the community agrees that Mac gear is slow, however I'm now questioning that. Mac tells me others up the gain a bit to "pump-up" the sound and that they(mac)present the original track as recorded. Opinions please? I'm trying to decide on a pre-amp- MacC200 or ML320s. Great forum! Thanks
The newer Mac gear seems much more refined than it's older brothren. The old Mac did sound slow and fuzzy too me. The new stuff like the 1201, 602, 501 sound pretty darn good.
I'm I fevering to own one..not hardly always YMMV.

I have yet to hear any two amplifiers that sound the same..I guess it's my imagination.LOL
As usual everything is system dependent.

Good luck
I'm not sure if I was just attacked or what but I own mcintosh gear and sorry if I offended anyone... But regardless mcintosh also holds its used value so that has a big thing to do with purchasing it for me, and that is the reason to the harley reference.
Sorry, looks like my post was very slow, I don't think it was directed at me, why is does it take like a day to get administration approval sometimes?
matrix, your harley analogy was spot on,ive heard gear i liked better than mac but i always think to myself what will this peice be worth in 5 years & that kills the dream.

i try hard to only buy mac gear & harleys & ive rarely lost one red cent on either of them plus both sound great!

I' m abooouttt to firrree uuupp my 5 0 1 's eveeen theeeeey are slooooooooooow theeeeey suuuuuuuuit meeeee.