Looking for a good phono preamp solid state...

Looking for a good phono preamp solid state under $500.
Either used or new (and only a phono preamp).

Any recommendations.

Well, this question would get a lot more answers in teh "Analog" forum, but you should do reasearch and look into the Graham Slee Era Gold mkV phono pre.

I have it along with it's matching Elevator EXP "transformerless" steup unit for low output moving coil cartridges.

The GS units a fatastic and work well with the four carts I have - Grado "The Statement"($2.5k version), ZYX Fulji FS silver ($1.5k), Cartridge Man Music Maker III ($1k), and the clasic venerable Denon DL-103D.

All those carts are unique in their own way, sonically. And the GS products help discern the flavors without adding it's own signature to the mix.

I've seen the GS Era Gold selling used here for $775 lately. I don't think there are many that can compete in that price range and maybe more.
I recommend a Camelot.

A word to the forum police. This will probably get the same number of responses no matter what forum you put it in. Most threads recieve responses while they are in the NEW TODAY section and very few new people ever see them after that. For the record, he is asking about a phono preamp which, when for sale, will be listed in the preamp section so putting it in the AMP/PREAMP forum makes sense to me.