CAT vs VTL Sound

Can someone characterize how these differ sonically, regarding the cAT JL2/JL3 vs VTL450sig/750sig and how they might mate with Wilson speakers like Wilson Watt Puppy 7 or Maxx2?

i read this in another thread here on Audiogon or on AA - people seem to be under the impression that power amp wattage should be matched to the speaker for volume of (heard) sound at the listening chair!
Man, are such people ill informed or what (& as a result seem to be providing incorrect advice to others)? And, if you are not, you are certainly not giving us any indication that you know any better. if you do, please give us some hint. thanks!
Like Jafox wrote, how about figuring in wattage for dynamics?
dynamic and sizzle are wilson's forte. the vtl and the cat don't add or take anything away from it. even a nad will do the trick.
>>dynamic and sizzle are wilson's forte. the vtl and the cat don't add or take anything away from it. even a nad will do the trick.<<

Without seeing your facial expression, IMO you're either the funniest guy on Audiogon or the dumbest. Please clarify; inquiring minds want to know.
the dumbest, evem though i've been in the music and movie industry since 1980.a jbl 4312mk1V (the latest incarnation of the classic studio favorite-now available to asia only) is similar(with the exception of price).