Would Jadis Orchestra work for Dunlavy IV?

I realize that the ORC has only 40 watts/channel and Dunlavy IVs do better with more watts and solid state amps ( I know, since my main system has two Classe CA-400s driving Dunlavy Vs), but for my second system I want to try tube sound and compact but clean system. I would probably use Jadis CD player with the system.

Your thoughts? TIA
It might work, but if you use EL34s instead of KT88s, 6550s or KT90s, you probably won't have the bass control you want. I used Jadis JA-80s (50-60 watts) on Duntech Princesses (pretty much the same speaker as the SC-IV) for years and gave up a bit of bass control for the glorious midrange, and it filled up an 18 by 20 room pretty easily. A DA-60 would be similar to the 80s in terms of power and might be a slightly better match than the Orchestra. I also am of the view that the Dunlavy designs sound better with tubes, so I think you might like the sound you get. The best sound I ever heard with Dunlavy SC-Vs (admittedly on material without a lot of deep bass) was with a VAC Renaissance 30-30 amp, so they can be driven with that power, you'll just not be able to listen at head-banging levels.
Thanks Rcprince. The other alternative is to go with Cary Integrated. Starting with 300SEI and may be up to SLI80.