Conrad Johnson,SimAudio,Thiel - Good Match?

I am drooling about a tube preamp, but I am not sure how it would sound with my current setup. My current setup is a Simaudio P5, Simaudio W5, Simaudio Nova CDP and Thiel CS2.4 Speakers.Naturally the P5 would be leaving for a tube preamp. Has anybody had a Conrad Johnson pre(17ls or 16ls) with a Simaudio W5 amp along with the Thiels.Want to get some opinons on the synergy of these two highly reputable pieces of gear before taking the plunge, I live a long way from any dealer so an audition would be hard to arrange, plus I am going to buy used anyway,just need some honest opinons from the Audiogon gang
I do not know why it would not be a good match unless there are impedence issuess. I use a 16lsII with a premier 350 driving thiel 3.6's and like the combination very much. You can always ask cj or simaudio for their thoughts.

I don't think there is any impedance problems ,the W5 has a 47k impedance,thanks for your response
So long as you like the sound of Conrad-Johnson preamps. I would expect it to sound very different than with the P5. Think warm and chocolatey, more intimate, less extension, and perhaps not as quiet as the P5.

I use a tube preamp with my W5 and Thiels too. Let us know how you like it.