McIntosh MC275 vs Conrad Johnson Premier 11A

I have a pair of Gallo Nucleus Reference speakers (the original version not the reference 3). I have been driving them with a Spectron Digital one amplifier. Last week I had the chance to try an old Mcintosh MC240 with my speakers and I think the sound was very sweet. Now I am considering get a tube amplifier. Any suggestions for a tube amp no more than $2K in the used market. I was looking at the McIntosh MC275 and the Conrad Johnson premier 11A. They are around 75 watts and are within my price range. The speakers are 4 ohms 90db/W/m. The rest of the system: Audible Illusions M3A preamp, Sony SACD/CD player and Sota Turntable. I listen mostly classical music and Jazz. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Hello Fernando68 ,
I've had both in my system over the past 3 years driving AP Virgos (90Db/4ohm). My take seems to be a little different.
The CJ does midrange very well for a 6550 based amp, however it lacks bass drive and the highs are truncated in comparison to the Mc275. The CJ puts out no where near 70 watts in real world loads vs the McIntosh that puts out in excess of 75 watts on all taps. If you go for the McIntosh look for the newer model IV version of the amp .
Good luck
I'm not sure what you mean by "old MC275"? Are you talking about vintage or re-issue?

A vintage MC275 in top notch condition is actually more expensive than a CJ11A... And all the re-issues sound inferior to the original 275.

I have been using a CJ6550 for about a year. Replacing the factory stock 6550 with Svetlena KT88 improved the sound a lot - better dynamic, treble extension and midrange smoothness. Treble is not truncated in my setup (CJ17LS, Vienna Acooustic Beethoven + sequerra T1 tweeters).

Both amps are good and it's a personal taste after all. Since their resale value are quite high, it does not harm to try both. =D
Get a MC step up device. Because of my low sensitivity amp,
I had similar issue with SP-11 MKII with VDH MC cartridge ( 0.5mv )
Are you using dual mono mode on the MC240? The gain is much higher than stereo mode.

i heard the cj premier 140 at my house for an extended period of time, and it was *very* quiet. in fact, i'd say it's lack of noise was probably one of it's strengths...