c-j technical questions

Does anyone know of any tests that show the power out-put of conrad-johnson's solid state power amplifiers into a 4 Ohm load. I'm particularly interested in the 2300, 2300A, 2500 and 2500A amplifiers. I'm also interested to know what the out-put impedance range preceding these amplifiers should be.
Mcmiller, I also have a pair of CS 2's which I used a c-j MF 80 on. Worked great! Not to beat a dead horse, but, it's the 3.5's equalizer that concerns me. Though the 3.5's are 2 db more sensitive than the 2's, the 2's unequalized impdeance at 5/6 Ohms is pretty easy compared to the 3.5's equalized 4/4 Ohm load. I think the sound starts to get hard when moderately pushed. I think, I just need more power. I was happy with MF 80, so I naturally thought of a bigger c-j for the 3.5's.
Hi Unsound, Stereophile reviewed and tested the mf2500. I'm pretty sure that they test 4 and 2 ohm loads, as well as 8 ohm loads. It's all part of thier normal bench tests that they do on a lot of reviewed equipment. If you go to Stereophile's web site, you should be able to pull up thier review of the mf2500 at no cost. The mf2500 is a very nice and musical amp. Best of luck. Stan
P.S. went to the Sterophile web site, it's not available for free. It is available via back issue purchase, which is fine. I'll order it Monday. Too bad it may take 3 weeks to arrive. Oh well, at least I can get it. Thanks again to all those that were kind enough to reply.
Hi Unsound, It's been about six months since I've been to Stereophile's web site. I visited it today and they changed the look of it. Also, you can't access as many reviews as you used to be able to--(but I did count 72 solid state amp reviews that are offered for free)--unfortunately the cj mf2500 wasn't one of them anymore. Sorry. I have read the review and it does have the information that you're looking for. Good Luck. Stan