300B tube recommendation for SET amp?

Hi all!!

I'm looking to buy a quad set of 300B tubes (5 volt heater WE type) for a Coincident SET configuration amp. WE is out of the question due to the cost. I am considering TJ, Sophia, Full Music brands or even Svetlana.

Suggestions? Experiences?

I use TJ titanium meshplates (from DIY HiFi Supply) in my Coincident PSET integrated amp and am enjoying the sound very much.

Unfortunately, Dogpile, the old, 1970s and earlier, WE300Bs are still the clear winners. I have not tried the 2005 production yet, but the 1995 and 96 production was sadly inferior. I also have yet to try the recent KRs. Of the remainder I found the TJs and Sophias okay.
I'd try the KR balloons. I have a pair coming for my Wavelengths. I'm using the Sophia Princess 300B in them right now and they sound very good as well.

Hey gang, so far it's a mixed bag with individual favourites. Maybe I'll just experiment with a cheaper quad like the Valve Art and work my way up if necessary. Thanks for all your input!
Dogpile, you might want to consult Thorsten Loesch'scomparison, another comparison by an audio mag (worldaudiodesign) hereand finally, an overview by enjoythemusic here.