Krell come nobody likes em?

The same companies come up with Intergrateds...Classe, Plinius, Blue Circle, ML, SimAudio, YBA...just curious, how come no love for the Krell stuff? Is it harsh? Can somebody explain the sound to me? Don't hold any punchs, I didn't want to lure a bunch of Krell owners here and sugar coat there intergrateds.
I can't believe that for 2500 US bucks there are 40 better.
I picked mine up used for $1600. It's driving a pair of Maggie 1.6s, so I need the power. I'm very happy with the sound, although I would agree that it's not for everyone. Someone in the above posts called it cheap junk - You may not prefer the sound, but cheap junk is the last thing I'd call it, especially for a $2500 amp.
Pricing is not always commensurate with quality. Many high end audio brands ride their reputations with the support of the magazines and the blind allegiance of the uninformed. In my experience many of the better deals in new equipment come from companies that have yet to achieve reviewer sanction.
For my part, I feel that Krell is masquerading.
I can't speak to any other Krell product besides the KAV-400xi. I've hear some of their stuff that happened to be in set-ups at dealers but never paid too much attention. Always out of my price range.
As far as the 400xi goes, I believe that anyone looking for an amp anywhere near the price range should have a listen. That is if they can leave the "Krell baggage" at the door.
btw: If you do listen, make sure it's warmed up - At least 2 hrs. from cold steel, or 30 to 45 minutes if it's been in standby.
Macrojack, I'm not sure if your refering to Krell in general or to the intergrateds that are the subject of this thread. I'll assume it's the latter, in which case I agree. If it's the former, I'd have to disagree. For a long while Krell didn't offer their goods to magazines for review.
I bought 2 new 400xi and I am not insane. People cry it is harsh/bright,overheated...whatever guys. I love this baby Krell and they are here to stay in my system. For those who don't believe in SS warming up, after 30 to 60 minutes warm-up this baby sounds beautifully warm and open. 400xi is at its best above 50db at volume. 400xi is like a beautiful bitch, if you don't have a good CDP up front, 400xi will reveal the naked truth. Pair the 400 xi with Krell CDP or SACD standard, you have the best sound there is within the comparable budget.