Krell come nobody likes em?

The same companies come up with Intergrateds...Classe, Plinius, Blue Circle, ML, SimAudio, YBA...just curious, how come no love for the Krell stuff? Is it harsh? Can somebody explain the sound to me? Don't hold any punchs, I didn't want to lure a bunch of Krell owners here and sugar coat there intergrateds.
I bought 2 new 400xi and I am not insane. People cry it is harsh/bright,overheated...whatever guys. I love this baby Krell and they are here to stay in my system. For those who don't believe in SS warming up, after 30 to 60 minutes warm-up this baby sounds beautifully warm and open. 400xi is at its best above 50db at volume. 400xi is like a beautiful bitch, if you don't have a good CDP up front, 400xi will reveal the naked truth. Pair the 400 xi with Krell CDP or SACD standard, you have the best sound there is within the comparable budget.
Audio components like women: someone's trash is other's treasure. Ever wonder about the ratio of audio component turn-over for re-sale here on Audiogon and the ratio for divorce. A lot of rave reviews about certain components as lust, warm sounding but in my house they sound like my son puting the blanket over the speakers. Here is another one: "The ...intergrated will bring you close to the soundstage..." what they meant to me is : "Sorry but it is one hell of harsh and forwarding sound" . Sound familiar! Trust your own ears. There is always love and hate toward different signature sounds. It is what it is. Spending $2,500.00 for an intergrated then matching with a cheap DVDP or CDP won't cut it and the result is one hell of a good deal for Audiogon bargain hunter...We should not be crying but be cheerful since there is always good deals on Audiogon now and then due to this hate and love ritual. You want to know how the 400 XI sounds, don't have to go far, Tweeter there is. No fancy ICs, no anaconda sized PCs, just the SACD Standard and the 400 xi and your choice of ML or Jm labs. Bring some good and not so good SACDs and CDs let your own ears do the critics. Trust your own ears. I love mine and it is fine with me if you don't like them. Who cares!
I have come to the conclusion that some folks simply want Krell gear to sound harsh and bright. The reason for this escapes me but it may have something to with the fact that they make such great electronics. Tall blades of grass are the first to be cut down.

The same goes for Thiel. Perish the thought that anyone in their right mind would ever run these these two brands in I do. ;-)
